Birthday Buddy Gifts for Kimberly

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โค๏ธ 2 years old in June

Kimberly is a growing girl! She has been in care for almost 2 years. She is very curious, and she likes cars. Kimberly loves to play in water and ride her bike. She loves to play with her twin brother too! For her birthday, she would like to get a water table, swimsuit, and food toys. 

Weโ€™re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Kimberlyโ€™s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.


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2 years old in June

Kimberly is a growing girl! She has been in care for almost 2 years. She is very curious, and she likes cars. Kimberly loves to play in water and ride her bike. She loves to play with her twin brother too! For her birthday, she would like to get a water table, swimsuit, and food toys. 

Weโ€™re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Kimberlyโ€™s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.

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