12-year-old Tayana is an aspiring singer, songwriter, and artist. She has an art gallery of songs she has written and drawings she is working on, which she loves to show off. Get her talking about her passions, and she won’t stop. She might even ask you, “Am I talking too much?” She loves to spend time with others drawing, coloring, or just being together in the same room. Tayana is also interested in learning to cook, and would love to be included in the preparation of family dinners.
Tayana is helpful at home and at school. She loves math and always raises her hand first to help her classmates with math problems. She is friendly with others and wants to be liked.
Could you make a difference in Tayana’s life?
For those who are licensed foster/adoptive parents, please contact:
Samantha Fisher – Extreme Recruiter
1750 South Brentwood Boulevard, Suite 210, Saint Louis, MO 63144
(314) 367-8373 | samanthafisher@foster-adopt.org
For those who are not licensed foster/adoptive parents, please fill out the inquiry form below: