Justin is a fun-loving, outgoing thirteen-year-old male with an adorable personality and smile. Justin is expressive, advocates for himself and is eager to learn. His favorite subject in school is Reading and he is a fan of the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Man” series. When he gets older his desire is to be an entrepreneur.
Justin has recently gained an interest in soccer, but one of the things he likes the most is playing video games and watching television. His favorite game is Minecraft because he can build his own world and he likes to use his imagination.
Justin is very sensitive and thrives off positive affirmation. He enjoys taking pictures to have memories to reflect on. Justin loves food, chicken, pizza, hamburgers and mac n’ cheese are some of his favorites. Others who know him describe Justin as a great kid with enormous potential in life.
Could you make a difference in Justin’s life?
For those who are licensed foster/adoptive parents, please contact:
Niquisha Adail – Extreme Recruiter
1750 South Brentwood Boulevard, Suite 210, Saint Louis, MO 63144
(314) 367-8373 | niquishaadail@foster-adopt.org
For those who are not licensed foster/adoptive parents, please fill out the inquiry form below: