Davion is an inquisitive and imaginative 12-year-old boy who’s always eager to learn and help. Davion has a colorful personality which is very fitting as he has several favorite colors which include red, blue, orange, yellow, and black. He uses this color scheme when building new worlds with his Legos. Davion loves to be active and is quick to tell you that soccer and bowling are his two favorite sports, one for summer and one for winter! Like any teen, Davion will never turn down his favorite food, pizza! His favorite pizza toppings are pepperoni, cheese, and sausage, and when it comes to dessert, he can never resist cake or donuts!

Davion says that reading is his favorite subject in school. Math…umm, not so much…but he makes a determined effort to get it done. Davion is good at taking the initiative in completing his chores like keeping his room tidy, taking out the trash, and sorting his laundry. Davion dreams of becoming a YouTuber, a video gamer, or even working in construction, this is where his love for creating and building can shine. Davion already has his mind set on the future: he wants to go to college so he can one day own his own house.

Could you make a difference in Davion’s life?

For those who are licensed foster/adoptive parents, please contact:

Niquisha Adail – Extreme Recruiter
1750 South Brentwood Boulevard, Suite 210, Saint Louis, MO 63144
(314) 367-8373 | niquishaadail@foster-adopt.org

For those who are not licensed foster/adoptive parents, please fill out the inquiry form below:

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