Twelve-year-old Aniya is a quiet, thoughtful young woman. She is a storyteller at heart, spending a lot of time creating and writing stories, even adding hand-drawn art to each of her story pages. Her prior foster parent noted “our finest moments together occurred when we could be playful together and really use our imagination!” Aniya also loves to color, draw, and make her own art creations.

Those who know Aniya would say that her strongest trait is her willingness to help others and be helpful around the home. She even helped her foster family move from one home to another, packing, carrying, and unpacking boxes. One of Aniya’s favorite chores is to assist with the animals in the home, and she wishes her future family will have pets. While she reports being a cat person, she currently enjoys feeding, walking, and playing with the dog in her home.

Aniya is intelligent, enjoys school, and loves being social with her classmates. Her favorite subject is language arts and “anything other than social studies!” She reports that her close classmates would report she is a good friend, funny, and resolves conflict when she makes her friends upset.

Could you make a difference in Aniya’s life?

For those who are licensed foster/adoptive parents, please contact:

Samantha Fisher – Extreme Recruiter
1750 South Brentwood Boulevard, Suite 210, Saint Louis, MO 63144
(314) 367-8373 |

For those who are not licensed foster/adoptive parents, please fill out the inquiry form below:

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