Supporting Families
Our comprehensive, wraparound support services help foster and adoptive families succeed and build resilience.
Foster parenting is hard work. Navigating the adoption process is difficult. That’s why the Coalition has created a holistic network of support programs to help foster and adoptive families thrive.
Support Programs
Birthday Buddy
Do you know a foster child who is likely to receive nothing or almost nothing for their birthday? The Coalition has a resource that can help – the Birthday Buddy program!
Through this program, generous individuals in the St. Louis community offer to become a Birthday Buddy and donate $75 or $100 so we can purchase gifts for kids. Children 12 and under receive $75 worth of gifts, and kids 13 and older receive $100 worth of gifts. Foster parents/case managers must complete a Birthday Buddy application, providing the Coalition with general information about the child and birthday present ideas, which will be posted on our website. When a child’s birthday buddy wish is granted, the Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them sent straight to your home!
Coalition CareLine
The Coalition CareLine serves as a lifeline, connecting foster and adoptive families with vital support services, resources, and referrals. With just one call to the Coalition CareLine, foster and adoptive families are connected to educational, mental, physical, and behavioral health resources!
Comprehensive Systems Navigation
Comprehensive Systems Navigation holistically supports families impacted by foster care by providing wraparound services and supports. We understand the importance of placement stability and continuity and strive to act as a bridge between families and the child welfare system. Our team strives to advocate, educate, and sustain meaningful connections among multidisciplinary team members to ensure that families receive the guidance and resources they need to thrive.
Educational Advocacy
Educational Advocacy is your dedicated partner in empowering foster/adoptive/guardianship parents. We provide a wealth of support and resources to help you navigate the intricate educational and child welfare systems. Our team of advocates serves as a crucial bridge between caregivers, educators, and child welfare professionals, fostering improved communication and mutual understanding. Through this collaborative effort, families gain access to essential resources, referrals, and emotional support, ensuring their child(ren) embarks on a path of well-being and academic achievement.
Family Enrichment
Family Enrichment creates lasting memories for children and families affected by foster and adoptive care. Our diverse programs, including Birthday Buddies, Little Wishes, Cinderella Project, Back-to-School Bonanza, and the Clothing Allowance Access Program, bridge the gaps in the lives of foster and adoptive youth and caregivers. We also collaborate with external agencies, offering referrals to connect families with essential services, enhancing children’s well-being, and promoting stable placements.
Families United
Families United is a relative support program that assists relatives and kinship caregivers in obtaining their foster care licenses. We understand the unique challenges prospective caregivers face, such as tight deadlines, which can make navigating the process alone difficult. Our dedicated team of specialists stands by families every step of the way, offering comprehensive advocacy, material resources, assistance with application completion, and crisis support. Our role encompasses advocacy, education, empathy, and healing, connecting families with the necessary community resources to navigate the challenges they encounter.
Family Works
Family Works is a leading in-home support program in the St. Louis area, offering high-quality therapeutic services to address the underlying issues affecting foster, adoptive, and guardianship families. Unlike surface-level interventions, we provide a tailored and individualized approach to guide families through their challenges. We empower parents to cultivate understanding and empathy in their relationship with their children, bridging the gap between them.
Little Wishes
Little Wishes allows children in foster care to have childhood experiences they may not otherwise be able to enjoy. Funds are often not available for the “extras” that make childhood special, such as summer camp, lessons, sports teams, graduation expenses, a room makeover, and fun days with siblings and friends.
For eligibility requirements and to submit a referral, click the button below.
Little Wishes Holiday Program
Starting each year in late November, and continuing through December, the Little Wishes program is transformed into the the Little Wishes Holiday Program. Thanks to 5 On Your Side and thousands of people like you, we’ve granted the holiday wishes of thousands of children, making their holiday season better and brighter because they know someone cares. We hope you’ll stay tuned to KSDK this year and visit us again starting at the end of November, when we’ll once again be calling on the generosity and kindness of our community to grant Little Wishes.
Older Youth Readiness
Transitioning into adulthood can be a formidable journey, especially for older youth leaving the foster care system. The Older Youth Readiness program is purpose-built to provide unwavering support to these transitioning youth, preparing them for the path to independence that lies ahead.
ReFresh is a nonprofit resale store in the St. Louis, Missouri area that offers fashionable clothing for people of all (adult) sizes and ages. The store’s primary goal is to raise funds for children in foster care, ensuring they have access to all the essentials they need. ReFresh is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition.
ReFresh offers a wide range of clothing options for foster children, with up to $200 in free clothing available every 6 months. To qualify for this program, you must bring proof of placement, such as a placement letter, court order, or the most recent maintenance check stub. Our hours are convenient for busy families, with availability Monday through Saturday from 10:00am to 6:00pm and Sunday from 12:00pm to 5:00pm. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to call us at 314-881-0331.
Regional Family Support
Regional Family Support is a comprehensive program offered exclusively to foster, adoptive, and guardianship families residing the counties of Jefferson, Franklin, Warren, or Lincoln. With a compassionate and evidence-informed approach, we provide a wide range of resources and tools to guide families through the complexities of the foster care system. Our trauma-informed behavioral and mental health services, educational advocacy, licensing assistance, kinship support, and tailored resources are designed to meet the unique needs of our families.
ReSource is another excellent option for foster children, offering a selection of clothing for newborns all the way up to youth sizes 18/20. To take advantage of this program, simply make an appointment with Michelle at or 314-806-2036. Just like ReFresh, you must bring proof of placement to qualify for up to 30 items of free clothing every 6 months.
Therapy Clinic
Cornerstones of Care and the Coalition have teamed up to provide therapy to address the unique needs of foster & adoptive families. As Kansas City’s leading name in trauma-informed therapy, Cornerstones of Care is uniquely qualified to serve local children impacted by foster care. St. Louis families can now receive this high quality of service right here at the Coalition office in Brentwood.
Laura Nolan, M.Ed., LPC, NCC
Clinical Manager – Eastern Missouri Cornerstones of Care Office
Youth Acceptance Project
In collaboration with the Youth Acceptance Project (YAP) developed by Family Builders, the Coalition has joined forces to offer specialized support for families caring for LGBTQ+ children. YAP aims to address the unique stressors related to the child’s sexual orientation or gender identity/expression (SOGIE) and create a more supportive and accepting home environment. YAP specialists employ a trauma-informed, psychoeducational approach to assist families in navigating common challenges, such as misinformation, resistance, fear, and grief.