Birthday Buddy Gifts for Isla

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ISLA โ€“ 10 years old in September

Isla is a beautiful, kind girl! She has been in care for 4 years. She loves to sing and dance. She is a great swimmer and likes spending time in water. She enjoys school and has dreams of being a doctor when she grows up. For her birthday, Isla would like a tablet, scooter, and candy.

Weโ€™re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Islaโ€™s birthday gifts.  The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.

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ISLA โ€“ 10 years old in September

Isla is a beautiful, kind girl! She has been in care for 4 years. She loves to sing and dance. She is a great swimmer and likes spending time in water. She enjoys school and has dreams of being a doctor when she grows up. For her birthday, Isla would like a tablet, scooter, and candy.

Weโ€™re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Islaโ€™s birthday gifts.  The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.

SKU: birthdaybuddygiftsisla Category: