P-EBT Benefits
DSS Wants You to Re-Apply by August 20
Applied for P-EBT, but haven’t received your benefits?
Missouri Department of Social Services is recommending that if you applied for P-EBT in June or July and have NOT heard back, please re-apply for P-EBT again by the August 20 deadline.
Please resubmit both pages of your application for it to be considered complete.
This request from MO DSS is out of an abundance of caution to make sure applications are submitted on time, so your children receive their benefit.
How do I apply?
- Download the PDF application here (works best on Google Chrome browser)
- Fill out a the PDF application, attach it to an email, and send by August 20th to FSD.MOPEBT@dss.mo.gov
- Save a copy of your sent email to prove that you’ve applied by August 20th
- OR, submit by mail (postmarked by August 20th) to: Family Support Division, 615 E. 13th St, Kansas City, MO, 64106
We’re Here to Help
Need assistance with your application? We have staff standing by to help our foster, adoptive and guardianship families.
- Start by filling out the Coalition CareLine form here
- A member of our staff will call you back as soon as possible to help you fill out the application
What is P-EBT?
Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) is a temporary benefit for children who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch but did not receive meals at school or day care due to closure, hybrid, or virtual learning. This benefit will help cover food costs from September 2020 through May 2021. Eligible families can receive up to $1,166 for each school-age child to spend on food.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I answer the question asking how the child was certified to receive free or reduced meals?
A: (1) Mark “other” if your child attended any of the schools below:
- Ferguson-Florissant school district
- Hancock Place school district
- Jennings school district
- Normandy school district
- Ritenour school district
- Riverview Gardens school district
- St. Louis City school district
- University City school district
These schools in the Hazelwood school district: Arrowpoint elementary, East middle, Grannemann elementary, Jury elementary, Keeven elementary, Larimore elementary, Southeast middle, and Twillman elementary.
These schools in Special School District: Ackerman, Litzsinger, North County Technical, and Northview
(2) Mark “by application” if your child attended a school not listed above and you remember filling out the 2021-22 application for free/reduced school meals.
(3) Mark “other” if your child is currently in foster care and attended a school not listed above and you do not remember filling out a 2021-22 application for free/reduced school meals. You should also fill out the child’s name on the application like the example below:
What should I do if I do not have my foster child’s social security number?
Type in “unavailable”
What should I do if the foster child didn’t live with me for the entire school year?
The foster parent where the child resided at the end of the school year should apply for P-EBT for the child
What should I do if the foster child was enrolled at more than 1 school during the school year?
List each school in the field with the dates the child attended that school. See example below:
Do I have to fill out an application if I already receive food stamps (SNAP)?
Yes! You will not automatically receive the P-EBT card. You must fill out the application, for every child who is 6 years and older.
How much money will I receive?
It is based on the school’s report of how much of the month was not in-seat learning. The monthly P-EBT benefit amount is $129.58 if most of the school’s month was not in-seat learning. If only some of the school’s month was not in-seat learning, the monthly P-EBT benefit amount is $77.75.
If the school started to offer in-seat learning at some point during the school year, but you opted for the child to continue virtual learning, you will not receive P-EBT funds for those months. For example, if your child’s school only offered virtual learning from 9/20-1/11/21 and then opened up the option for children to return to in-seat learning on 1/12/21, but you chose for the child to continue virtual learning until the end of the school year in 5/21, you will receive: $129.58 x 4 months + $77.75 for January