Benefits Include:
- 6 VIP tickets OR 12 general admission tickets
- Name and logo prominently featured on event website
- Plus, marketing benefits from all levels below
$3,500 Anniversary Sponsor
- 6 VIP reservations (optional, partially tax-deductible)
- Name featured on signage at event
- Name & logo featured in 400 programs
- Name & logo featured on mobile bidding platform
- 1/3 page ad in programs
- Name listed on social media, press materials, and website
- 6 raffle tickets (optional, not tax-deductible)
❤️3 years old
Aubree is a busy bee! She has been in care for over a year. She loves to be on the go and do as much as possible. Aubree is a fan of being outside and playing with her pets. For her birthday, she would love clothes, shoes, and a stroller for her baby.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Aubree’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.
❤️11 years old
Ay’Miah is a sweet and smart girl! She has been in care for 5 years. She enjoys fashion and singing. Ay’Miah is a pro at trying new things and loves gymnastics. She is a social butterfly and excels at most things she tries. For her birthday, she would like new shoes, a purse, and jewelry.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Ay’Miah’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.
❤️16 years old
Chris is a cool teen! He has been in care for 10 years. Chris loves to play video games and spend time with his friends. For his birthday, he would love to get PlayStation gift cards.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $100 donation for Chris’ birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.
❤️11 years old
Deacon is a creative kid! He has been in care for 3 years. Deacon loves to play video games and draw. He is very talented! He loves to go to Urban Air and Dave and Buster’s. For his birthday, he would be thrilled to get a gold chain.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Deacon’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.
❤️18 years old
Deshawn is a kind young man! He has been in care for 10 years. He enjoys playing video games, listening to music, and spending time with his family and friends. This birthday is a huge milestone for him, and he is very excited to celebrate his birthday. For his big day, he would love a Nintendo Switch controller.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $100 donation for Deshawn’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.
❤️9 years old
Gabriel is a curious kid! He has been in care for less than a year. He loves to draw and do puzzles. For his birthday, he would like a scooter and helmet.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Gabriel’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.
❤️2 years old
Lavontra is an affectionate little boy! He has been in care for 2 years. He has a big personality and loves to play with other kids. For his birthday, he would love dinosaur toys and sensory toys.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Lavontra’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.
❤️3 years old
Laya is a sweet little girl! She has been in care for 2.5 years. Laya is shy but warms up quickly when you get to know her and is a blast. She loves Cocomelon and Blippi, and she is a big fan of singing and dancing. For her birthday, Laya would like a new pair of tennis shoes and a gift card to We Rock the Spectrum.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Laya’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.
❤️16 years old
Lola is a fashionable teen! She has been in care for 3 years. Lola is a cheerleader who loves to listen to music in her free time. She is a big fan of shopping and trying new clothes and styles. For her birthday, she would be thrilled to get gift cards to her favorite stores.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $100 donation for Lola’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.
❤️5 years old
Messiah is a playful kid! He has been in care for a year. He loves to stay active and is always trying to play. Messiah likes to read and write. His best friend is his dog Layla, and he loves to play with her as much as possible. For his birthday, he would be thrilled to get a handheld educational video game.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Messiah’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.
❤️9 years old
Nelson is a sweet kid! He has been in care for a few months. Nelson loves to bounce and play with his favorite sensory toys. His favorite food to eat is chips! For his birthday, he would like a bounce board.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Nelson’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.
❤️12 years old
Nykiah is a ball of energy! She has been in care for less than a year. She loves to dance and make TikToks. For her birthday, she would like a tablet, Bath and Body Works sets, and a purse.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Nykiah’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.
❤️5 years old
Romie is a busy little guy! He has been in care for 4 years. Romie loves to try new sports to get all his energy out. He is excited to play T-Ball this spring! For his birthday, he would be thrilled to get a baseball glove, baseball hat, and craft supplies.
We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Romie’s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.
$10,000 Couture Sponsor
- 10 VIP reservations (optional, partially tax-deductible)
- Name & logo featured on 7,000 invitations and in 400 programs
- Name, logo, and link featured on mobile bidding platform
- Full page ad inside front or back cover of programs
- Name & logo featured on prominent signage at event
- Name & logo featured in print newsletters (circulation 7,000)
- Name highlighted on social media, press materials, and website
- 12 raffle tickets (optional, not tax-deductible)
$5,000 Designer Sponsor
- 8 VIP reservations (optional, partially tax-deductible)
- Logo featured on prominent signage at event
- Name & logo featured on mobile bidding platform
- Name & logo featured on 400 programs
- 1/2 page ad in programs
- Name highlighted on social media, press materials, and website
- 8 raffle tickets (optional, not tax-deductible)