It’s summer camp and day care preparation season for many families. Daycare for kids is getting trickier, and not all summer camps will continue to accept a daycare subsidy. We’ve compiled the following resources to help you find the right fit for your family.
Summer Camp & Daycare Resources
Special Education Foundation Kid-2-Camp Program
- Provides summer camp scholarships for children with an IEP
- Application requires recommendations and tax documentation
- Offers a summer camp search for children with disabilities
- Funding vouchers available
- Search based on specific criteria
- Identify providers that accept DSS or subsidy funding
- Many daycares also offer summer camp programs
Additional Summer Camp Opportunities
- “Add Day Fun” program
- Runs May 27 – August 15
STL Camps & Parent Resources
- Lists 36 different summer camp options
Websites Shared in Recent Provider Mailings
Other Summer Program Opportunities
Plus, don’t forget that both The Magic House and MADE for Kids are free to foster families! Be sure to bring proof of placement.
CareLine Can Help!
Need help navigating summer camp or daycare options? The Coalition’s CareLine is here for you!